Friday, September 28, 2007

How Can You Determine The Start Of Pregnancy And The Birth Date

The start or beginning of any pregnancy can be detected in various ways; one of them is pregnancy tests, which can be through urine or the blood. This test can be done either in the clinic or at home, which ever way; both tests can only detect the state of pregnancy and not the age of the pregnancy.

Pregnancy test is very important and necessary because it helps to detect the hormones that is generated by the placenta which is been formed newly as a result of the fertilization that just took place. To determine the start or beginning of any pregnancy is often convenient from the first day of your last menstruation (LMP) and this alone is can be used to calculate the Expected delivery date (EDD).

In a normal situation, your pregnancy is considered to last for at least 40 weeks starting from the Last Menstrual Period or 38 days from fertilization date. But in case of premature and post mature delivery, the case is difference in the sense that the baby comes as early as 37 weeks for premature delivery and as late as 43 weeks in case of postmature delivery or prolonged pregnancy.

There are some tests that determine the age of the pregnancy fairly accurate but to be sure and certain, last menstrual period (LMP) as reported by you as a woman typically expressed the age of your pregnancy but the exact date of fertilization may be unknown if your recent sexual activity is limited.

In a nut shell, for you to determine the beginning of your pregnancy depends on the missed period and your last menstrual period (LMP) and to determine the Expected Delivery Date is also determined by LMP as reported by you to you doctor. Since this is the case, you as a woman has to study your body very well and avoid any non-challant attitude towards your cycle so as to be accurate in all your reports to enable you have exact date of delivery.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

How Do I Know The Symptoms Of Pregnancy

Symptom is a change in the body function experienced by a patient, which is associated with a particular disease. But in the case of pregnancy, disease should not be mentioned because it is the fetus that is causing the changes and discomforts.

Symptoms of pregnancy vary from one woman to the other. It is not all symptoms that is been felt in all pregnancy, what a particular woman feels may be entirely difference from what you are going to see from this, but no matter how it comes always bear in mind that it will be over soon.

The stages in pregnancy are divided into trimesters, that is 1st, 2nd, and 3rd which is the last stage before delivery takes place. Before you talk of pregnancy symptom, you must first or all miss your period and go for test to discover that you are really pregnancy.

In the 1st trimester, you find out that your breast as a pregnant woman becomes tender, sore and swollen. You will also experience frequent urination, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, headaches, feel moody to the extent that anybody very close will notice that something is wrong somewhere.

In the 2nd trimester, morning sickness symptom may subside, but you may be craving for certain type of food, feeling hunger all the time. That shows you that your baby is really growing and you will be very excited feeling the baby moving around though some women don’t feel movement till 5 months of pregnancy.

The 3rd trimester is always the month most women feel vigorous kicking by the baby. In your body this time, you may experience cramps in your legs and feet and may notice swellings in your feet also. When these symptoms started happening does not be afraid just make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamins regularly as prescribed.

Friday, September 21, 2007

What Are The Early Signs Of Pregnancy

Just as body reaction differs so are pregnancy signs. Some women may experience signs of pregnancy within some days of pregnancy but some stay up to weeks before such experience may occur while in some women pregnancy signs may not occur at all.

Early pregnancy signs differ from one woman to the other and from pregnancy to the other. For you to understand the signs of your pregnancy is very important in the sense that the signs you are having may be related to something else other than pregnancy.

However, missed menstrual period is one of the most common pregnancy signs that lead a woman to undergo test of pregnancy. When you conceive, you will not expect to see your next period though many women bleed while they are pregnant but if you fall into this category you will find out that the bleeding will be lighter and shorter than your normal period.

Implantation bleeding is also one of the early signs of pregnancy meanwhile the embryo implants itself into the uterine wall after conception thereby causing you to experience some cramping and spotting which may be pink in colour.

Frequent urination as one of the early pregnancy signs occurs in some women even before they missed their period. This happens because the changes in hormone levels that is produced by implantation of embryo. Also, increase in body temperature is also one of the early pregnancy signs.

All things being equal, if you begin to experience any of the signs listed above, you better confirm if it is pregnancy by going for urine test or carryout home pregnancy tests yourself. After all these and you still test negative, try again the test again or to be in a safer side, see your gynecologists.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

How You Can Determine The Start Of Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy use to occur soon after the sperm of a man might have fertilized the egg released by a woman। Medically, this is called fertilization and conception to a lay-man’s understanding।

The man’s sperm cannot just fertilize your egg as the woman without having sexual intercourse with you, though the coming of insemination of sperm artificially to the woman’s womb while ovulating to become pregnant has made it easier if there is any existing medical condition in either of the couples or if you as a woman decided to be pregnant without a man partner।

In addition, pregnancy starts at implantation of spermatozoon to the egg and it is often convenient to start counting it from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP) and it will be of a good help to you while calculating your expected delivery date (EDD)।

You can detect the beginning of your pregnancy in various ways through the use of various pregnancy tests that detect hormones which is generated by the placenta that is formed newly। Urine test can also be used to detect if pregnancy has occurred soon after implantation or fertilization and this can be done as early as 5-8 days after fertilization.

Always have in mind that neither home nor clinical tests can detect the age of the pregnancy। The only thing they detect is the state of the pregnancy. As woman, do not depend on home test if you really want to know the age of your pregnancy.

To actually determine or know if pregnancy has occurred, you need to stick and be certain about your menstrual date based on the first day of your last menstrual period for it is the most common educated way to estimate the real age of your pregnancy.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What You Need To Know About Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be said to be the carrying of one or more offspring inside the body of a female or woman be from conception to birth. Among all the mammals, human pregnancy is the most studied of all. Pregnancy can be multiple in the sense that twins or triplets may occur.

Pregnancy lasts for about nine months, which means that the birth of the child occurs in 38 to 40 weeks from the day of fertilization. Medically the term embryo is used to describe the developing human for few weeks of fertilization and fetus is used for the same purpose from 2 to 3 months of development till birth.

Pregnancy is divided into three periods (1st, 2nd & 3rd Trimester). This helps to simplify and also refer to the different stages of prenatal development. The first trimmest has the highest risk of miscarriages, while the development of the fetus can be easily to be diagnosed and monitored in the 2nd trimester. The ability of the fetus to survive with or without medical help outside the mother’s uterus is determined at the beginning of the third trimester.

Medically, gravid 1 is used to qualify a woman who is pregnant for the first time while gravid 0 is used for a woman who has never been pregnant that means that Para 1 or 0 and other terms are used to qualify the number of times a woman has gotten pregnant or given birth to a child.

In conclusion, feelings vary from one woman to another in pregnancy. You as a pregnant woman should not have in mind that since your friends’ pregnancy is somehow that yours will be that way. All you need to do is to take time to study your body terms and languages for it will help you a lot.

Monday, September 10, 2007

What If Pregnancy Did Not Occur As Quickly As You Thought

In case if pregnancy did not occur as quickly as you thought, do not panic. Firstly, remember that if you recently discontinued the use of oral contraceptives, it may take at least a month for your cycle to get back to normal.

That you conceived your first child as quickly as possible does not necessarily mean that pregnancy will be easy as that of your second and even your third child. Women under 30 you are therefore advised to give yourself a year of unprotected sex for pregnancy to occur. But the reverse is the case when you are older because the risk of pregnancy increases after having unprotected sex for months.

For women who are smokers, they may find it more difficult waiting for pregnancy to occur. Further-more, several studies shows that women smokers have increase rate of miscarriages

But there is no reason to panic, just make it a point of duty to seek medical advice as soon as possible. In this aspect it is necessary for women who aged 30 to 35 to see a doctor that is after six to nine months of unprotected sex. And for women between 35 and 40, they should see doctor after six months of unprotected sex.

Finally for women over 40, they should try and see doctor after three months of unprotected sex.In conclusion, your doctor or gynecologist should be able to perform a preliminary fertility workup. He or she may even be able to treat your problem of infertility, but after all said and done and pregnancy did not occur under your doctor's care within the range of six months of unprotected sex, women involved should not hesitate in seeing a fertility specialist, who may help them take the advantage plethora advice of new available treatments that can boost your chances of pregnancy.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

How Often Do I Have Sex Before Getting Pregnant

Long time ago, it is our believe that a man should abstain from sex for several days before his wife's fertile time so as to be able to build up enough sperm count that will be able to fertilize his wife’s egg. Though some part of this presumption and many studies have shown that the more frequently a man have sex and ejaculates over a period of days, the lower his sperm count.

But in recent time, it appears that the former does not matter. Though your spouse’ sperm count may get lower the more often he has sex, it is still plenty and high enough to achieve pregnancy. To cut every thing short, the more sex you have, the greater chances you have in getting pregnant.

Then the question may be, does it mean that I need to make love every day to maximize my baby-making potential or my chances of getting pregnant? The answer here is “No”. The reason is because most couples who had sex every other day during their fertile days still have greater and very high chances of getting pregnant. Moreover, couples who have sex weekly reduced their chances of conception or getting pregnant because they were more likely to miss the key towards baby-making opportunity.

To crown it all, having regular sex is the best way to get pregnant. For the fact that couples often try to time everything perfectly towards ovulation, they fail to have sex when they think they are not ovulating. Though sex that is not within the time of ovulation will not result in pregnancy but because women do not always ovulate when they think they will, having sex three times a week will help you as a woman to cover your bases and not to miss the opportunity of getting pregnant.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

When Do I Have Sex To Become Pregnant

Having sex is a normal routine in every marriage, but the specific sex for pregnancy does not come easily as we think. To become pregnant, the very first thing you need to do is to checkout when you are most fertile in every menstrual cycle.

A woman's fertile period lasts for six days that is the five days leading up to your ovulation period and the day of ovulation in every cycle of the month, that is about midway between menstrual cycles, when an egg or eggs are released from one or two of your ovaries. For the fact that sperm lives up to five days, even the old sperm can fertilize an egg or both eggs in case if the two ovaries releases eggs at the same time. If you have sex at those times, you may become pregnant.

Some gynecologists states that, having sex every day between days 10 and 18 of your cycle will help a lot in getting pregnant since this is the time during which ovulation occurs (that is counting the first day of your menstruation or period as day 1).

In the other way round, detecting of changes in your cervical mucus helps a lot in getting pregnant in the sense that, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, this mucus is tacky and dense, but within the time of ovulation it becomes increasingly plentiful and slippery, with qualities very similar to the white of a raw egg. By this time, if you have sex, you may become pregnant.

Anyway, there is no need to get more worries about getting pregnant because it puts too much pressure on the process. The best thing to do is to simply have sex slightly before the time you think your ovulation may occur in each cycle so as to avoid hurting your efforts towards when to ovulate, have sex or get pregnant.

