Wednesday, September 26, 2007

How Do I Know The Symptoms Of Pregnancy

Symptom is a change in the body function experienced by a patient, which is associated with a particular disease. But in the case of pregnancy, disease should not be mentioned because it is the fetus that is causing the changes and discomforts.

Symptoms of pregnancy vary from one woman to the other. It is not all symptoms that is been felt in all pregnancy, what a particular woman feels may be entirely difference from what you are going to see from this, but no matter how it comes always bear in mind that it will be over soon.

The stages in pregnancy are divided into trimesters, that is 1st, 2nd, and 3rd which is the last stage before delivery takes place. Before you talk of pregnancy symptom, you must first or all miss your period and go for test to discover that you are really pregnancy.

In the 1st trimester, you find out that your breast as a pregnant woman becomes tender, sore and swollen. You will also experience frequent urination, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, headaches, feel moody to the extent that anybody very close will notice that something is wrong somewhere.

In the 2nd trimester, morning sickness symptom may subside, but you may be craving for certain type of food, feeling hunger all the time. That shows you that your baby is really growing and you will be very excited feeling the baby moving around though some women don’t feel movement till 5 months of pregnancy.

The 3rd trimester is always the month most women feel vigorous kicking by the baby. In your body this time, you may experience cramps in your legs and feet and may notice swellings in your feet also. When these symptoms started happening does not be afraid just make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamins regularly as prescribed.

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