Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Charting Your Body Temperature Towards Fertility

To chart your Body Temperature, Cervical Fluid and Cervical Position helps you to indicate when you are most fertile during your monthly cycle. Charting gives you crucial information as to when your peak (most fertile) time is, when you have ovulated, when your menstrual period should begin, if you have successfully conceived or if there is a possibility of a hormonal imbalance.Taking your body temperature mostly in the morning hours is the first step to charting.

Your normal temperature towards fertility should be taken starting from the day one of your cycle, is the first day you begin your menstrual period. Your temperature can rise and fall or maintain same degree if taken earlier than normal time. For you to get normal and accurate chart, it is important to take your temperature at the same time everyday that is maintaining the actual time say every 6am.

Taking your temperature immediately after waking up is very important meanwhile your temperature fluctuates once you are moving around. If you wake up during the middle of the night and you go back to sleep and get at least three additional hours of uninterrupted sleep, your temperature will be accurate. If you wake up less than three hours before your normal scheduled waking time and have to get up for any reason, it is advisable to take your temperature then that is before you get out of bed and not at your normal waking time.

In taking your temperature, make sure you use same thermometer throughout the cycle whether digital thermometer or traditional glass as the case maybe. It can also be taken vaginally or orally but make sure you adhere to it throughout the cycle.


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